Ruby Flashman
Ruby Flashman's Ruby Chooseday
A Chosen Day of Each Month
There is only one Ruby Flashman. Her infectious energy and style brings a unique and unforgettable vibe to any dancefloor. Ruby has an ever growing collection of 45 records ranging from ska, dub, reggae, golden oldies, punk, soul and more.
Ruby Flashman's Ruby Chooseday | February 2025
Ruby Chooseday strikes again with a vinyl only selection of oldies but goodies. Enjoy
Ruby Flashman's Ruby Chooseday | January 2025
The incredible Ruby Flashman returns serenading us with her box of 45s for a brief deep dive into ska, blues, reggae n rock n roll.
Ruby Flashman's Ruby Tuesday | April 2024
Miss Ruby Flashman returns with another stellar vintage vinyl set for her monthly Ruby Tuesday excursion
Ruby Flashman's Ruby Tuesday | March 2024
Vintage Vinyl, Style & Fashion, Rhythm & Blues & Sultry Tones can only mean one thing, the return of Ruby Flashman's Ruby Tuesday. Enjoy
Ruby Flashman's Valentine Tuesday | February 2024
The Incredible Ruby Flashman presents Valentine Tuesday. Does what it says on the tin, drop her some hearts in the mixcloud charts.
Ruby Flashman's Ruby Tuesday | January 2024
Happy Tuesday Sailors! It's Ruby Tuesday in full vintage vinyl effect. If you missed the stream it will be up to watch back via youtube soon! Stay tuned.
Ruby Flashman's Ruby Tuesday | November 2023
Ruby Flashman's Ruby Tuesday's, expect vintage vinyl gems ranging from Ska, Reggae, Two Tone, Rock n Roll n beyond.
Ruby Flashman's Ruby Tuesday | October 2023
Ruby Flashman strikes again with Octobers rendition of Ruby Tuesdays. Pure vintage vinyl sounds n style navigated by yours truly. If you missed the boat on the livestream, there's always next month. Stay tuned. .
Ruby Flashman's Ruby Tuesday | September 2023
Ruby Tuesday in the Sunshine on the Grand Union Canal. Drop her some hearts.
Ruby Flashman's Ruby Tuesday | August 2023
The incredible Ruby Flashman returns with another flambouyant show full. Drop her a heart and don't miss the boat on her livestreams aboard ship. 1st Tuesday of each month. 12pm Departure.
Ruby Flashman's Ruby Tuesday | July 2023
If you've not experienced Ruby Tuesday now might be a good time to dive in. There is only 1 Ruby Flashman. Drop her a heart.
Ruby Flashman's Ruby Tuesday | June 2023
Ruby Flashman strikes again with another rendition of Ruby Tuesday's full aural delights complimented by her signature dulcet tones. If you missed the livestream, she'll be back again - 1st Tuesday of Each Month, 12:00 departure.
Ruby Flashman's Ruby Tuesday | May 2023
The Magnificent Ruby Flashman takes us on another flambuoyant trip with the second edition of Ruby Tuesday. Drop her a heart & catch a visual vibe via our instagram. If you missed her live stream this month, you can tune in 1st Tuesday of each month, 12:00 - 14:00 GMT.
Ruby Flashman's Ruby Tuesday | April 2023
Introducing the incredible Ruby Flashman. This might be a firm favourite of ours. Such a vibe on and off stream. Vintage style, fashion n music wrapped in a two hour trip. Don't sleep. Drop her a heart.